Santiago, Chile b.1967
1967 Born in Santiago, Chile
Currently lives and works in Barcelona, Spain
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2015 Naturalism, Matthew Liu Fine Arts, Shanghai
2013 Todesfuge, Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona
2013 Passive Defense Action, Chapel of Santa Águeda, MUHBA Barcelona
2012 We were dead, and we could breathe (Paul Celan), Mediations Biennale 2012, Poznan, Poland
2012 Great South, Espace Croix Baragnon, Toulouse
2012 Great South, Parque Cultural de Valparaíso, Chile
2011 Birth of the World II, 1925-201, Miró Foundation, Barcelona
2011 Great South, Isla Elefante, Chilean Antarctic continent
2011 Alchemy, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona
2010 03:34:17 (UTC-3) February 27, 2010, Talca, Curepto, La pesca, Rancura, Iloca, Duao, Constitución, Cobquecura, Pelluhue, Dichato, Talcahuano & Lota, Chile
2010 Great South, Valparaíso: Intervenciones. Valparaíso, Chile
2010 Fly, Galería Moro, Santiago de Chile
2010 Logic Place, Espai Quatre, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca
2009 Pintura - Timanfaya - Los Hervideros, Biennial of the Canaries, Architecture, Art and Landscape
2009 Subduction, Galería Tomas March, Valencia
2009 Catch on the fly, Sala la Gallera, Valencia
2009 Freezing, Alter Art. Emerging Arts Festival, Region of Murcia
2009 Great South, Base O´Higgins, Chilean Antarctic Territory, Antarctica
2009 Great South, SEACEX, Bicentennial of Chile, Valparaíso, Chile
2008 Ecliptic, Joan Prats Artgrafic, Barcelona
2008 Action, Seismogram smoke box replicas in smoke, Galeria Joan Prats-Artgrafic, Barcelona
2008 Water and its contemporary dreams, Universal Exhibition of Water, Zaragoza
2008 Great South, Madrid Abierto, Intervention on frontage of American House, Madrid
2007 Steam Action –Pinturas, New York, Action in New York City
2007 Peregrinatio, Triptych in dynamism, Sagunto
2007 Natura Naturans, Galería Álvaro Alcázar, Madrid
2007 Natura naturans action, action at the artist’s studio, Barcelona
2006 Basho: the wild region, Conferences Alois M. Hass, 2006. Mystical and contemporary thought, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
2006 Agitation, action in Geiser del Tatio, Machuca, Chile
2006 Agitation, performances, Salar de Atacama, Chile
2006 Agitation, Mina Rajo abierto Chuquicamata, Chile
2005 Affatus, Joan Prats Artgrafic, Barcelona
2005 Ideographic, action at the artist’s studio, Barcelona
2004 Cardener in Antarctica. Installation Hall Central and Sala Matta, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile
2003 To the Light, Centre Cultural El Casino, Manresa
2003 To the South Pole, Kunst-Station Sankt Peter, Köln, Germany
2003 Agua a presión abriendo un hoyo en la carne para luego desaparecer, action in the Kunst-Station Sankt Peter, Köln, Germany
2003 To the Light, Action and geological drilling, La balconada, Manresa
2002 Relief, Joan Prats-Artgrafic, Barcelona
2002 Freeze, action in the Chilean Antarctic continent
2001 Pathografías, Galería Animal, Santiago de Chile
2001 Ir, Altum, action in the artist’s studio in Barcelona
2000 Ambulatory, intervention in Vic’s Cathedral
2000 Cardener, action in Cardener river, From the work Del Cardener to Antarctica, inside the Manresa cave
1999 Synaisthesis substances, Joan Prats – Artgrafic, Barcelona
1999 K2-Kenosis, Documental action in the artist’s studio in Barcelona
1998 Project of painted bodies by Prats, Fundation América, Chile
1997 Anástasis. Intervention Space Ecclesiastical Church of Providence, Santiago, Chile
1996 Recent Work, Galería Antonio de Barnola, Barcelona
1995 Crypt, Cycle Pandemonium. Espai 13, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona
1994 Series of Exordium and crucifixion, Galería Antonio de Barnola, Barcelona
1993 Series of Exordium and crucifixion, Centre Cívic Sant Andreu, Barcelona
Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 Pure Chile. Landscape and territory, Centro Cultural La Moneda, Santiago, Chile
2014 Neither pain nor fear (Contemporary Chilean Art), Galería Blanca Soto, Madrid
2009 Seismography of Chile, Triennial of Chile, Santiago, Chile
2008 Build, Dwell and Think. Perspectives of contemporary art and architecture, IVAM, Valencia
2002 Transfiguration, Galeria Joan Prats - Artgrafic. Barcelona
2002 Time Flies, Galería LLucia Homs. Barcelona
2001 Mirada en Viaje, Centro de Arte Santa Mònica, Barcelona
2000 Art and Religion. Contemporary Christian iconography. Galería Llucià Homs, Barcelona
2000 Chile 100 years. Visual Arts. Third period. Transfer and density in the Chilean plastic field (1973 - 2000), Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile
1998 One Way Ticket, Galería Antonio de Barnola, Barcelona.
1996 Puente Aéreo tres, Museo Moderno, Buenos Aires
1996 Expanded Collage, Galería Antonio de Barnola, Barcelona
1995 Desplacaments d’Impermanència, Espais D`Art Contemporani ,Girona
1995 Biennal d’Art Ciutat d’Amposta
1994 XI International Biennial of Latin American Art, Valparaíso, Chile
1993 Excursus Any Miró, Galería Salvador Riera and Associació Art Barcelona, Barcelona
1993 Es quan tanquem que mostrem el nostre homenatge, any Miró, Galería Berini and Associació Art Barcelona, Barcelona
1992 Petit Museu Provicional, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona