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Home  >  Artists  >  GUO GUOZHU


Xiamen, China  b.1982

1982   Born in Yongchun, Fujian Province, China
2005   Graduated from the Department of Mechanics of Nanchang Hangkong University.

Currently works and lives Xiamen


Selected Solo Exhibitions

2019  Abandoned, Matthew Liu Fine Arts, Shanghai, China

          Lingering Garden, Transcending Dimensidn: Sculpting Space , Shenzhen, China

2017  Urbanization , W.Ming Art, New York, USA

          Finalist Exhibition of 2016 New Talent Award, Chronus Art Center, Shanghai, China

2015  TOP20.2015 , Chinese Cutting-edge Contemporary Photography Exhibition, Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, China

          Unfamiliar Asia , The Second Beijing Photo Biennial, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China

2013  Sleeping, WE Space, Xiame, China

2009  Sleeping, Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China


Selected Group Exhibitions

2018  Joint Exhibition of Contemporary photography From North-eastern Asia Transition of Meaning,Taipei International Photo Festival 2018, Zhongzheng Art Gallery of 

          Taipei, Taipei, China

          Troubled Intentions Ahead: Confusing Public and Private , The Third Beijing Photo Biennial, The Culture Industry Center of Beizhen, Jinzhou, China

          Yes or No, 2018 Art Nova 100 Opening Exhibition , Guardian Art Center,Beijing, China

2016  Art intervention in rural area: Salvation and symbiosis, Guangdong Museum of Art,Guangzhou, China

          Immeasurable , The 2016 Three Shadows Photography Award Exhibition, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing, China

          Space Touching of “Defamiliarzation”, C14 Gallery, Shanghai, China

2015  Time Disease: Controlled by the Time Will , PSA 2nd Emerging Curators Project, PSA, Shanghai, China

          Jimei × Arles, International Photo Festival, Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre, Xiamen, China

          Combination of Town and Country | Guo Guozhu × Chen Boyi, The Contrast between the inside and outside of Country, WE Space, Xiamen, China

          Senses of the Hand, Photography New Academy Exhibition of China Academy of Art, CAA Art Museums, Hangzhou, China

2012  The Proposition of Contemporary , Six Fujian Youths' Photography Exhibition, Ningde, China

          The Words of Time, Two Person's Photography Exhibition, Xiamen, China

2011  Gazing The Coastlines , Strait Photography Exchange Exhibition, Xiamen, China

2010  China&Holland Contemporary Arts Exhibition , Xiamen, China

Public Collections

Central Academy of Fine Art(CAFA) Art Museum, Beijing, China

How Art Museum, Shanghai, China

Photography Museum of Lishui China, Lishui, China


5th Annual Photography Rankings Of China

New Talent Award 2016

Being nominated in 7th Prix Pictet Photography Prize

Being nominated in 2016 Shpilman International Prize for Excellence in Photography

The 2016 Three Shadows Photography Award

TOP20.2015, Chinese Cutting-edge Contemporary Photography

​© 2014-2023 Matthew Liu Fine Arts

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